ESLT Summer School 2019
Van 10-13 september 2019 organiseert het ELV samen met drie Europese partners de derde editie van de ESLT Summer School in Rome. Doelgroep zijn literair vertalers die andere vertalers opleiden. Aanmelden kan tot 15 april 2019.
Tijdens de ESLT doorlopen ca. twintig vertalers en opleiders uit Europa een driedaags programma met lezingen, workshops en forumdiscussies met betrekking tot het literair vertaalonderwijs. Daarbij wordt onder meer aandacht besteed aan didactiek rond het vertalen van poëzie en non-fictie.
Voor vertalers in of uit het Nederlands die worden toegelaten, stelt het ELV een tegemoetkoming beschikbaar van € 150. Deze bijdrage wordt verrekend met het inschrijfgeld, dat daardoor niet € 250 wordt maar € 100. Voor meer informatie zie de aankondiging hieronder (in het Engels).

ESLT Summer School 2019: Training the Teacher of Literary Translation
Link Campus University, Rome
10-13 September 2019
The third annual ESLT Summer School will bring together around 20 translators and educators from across Europe who are passionate about teaching literary translation. The three-day programme will include a mixture of seminars, workshops and panel discussions. Topics include teaching literary translation inside and outside the university, teaching poetry translation and teaching non-fiction translation. Confirmed faculty participants include Clarissa Botsford (Rome), Roberta Fabbri (Misano), Onno Kosters (Utrecht), Duncan Large (Norwich), Franco Nasi (Modena and Reggio Emilia), Clíona Ní Riordain (Paris), Daniele Petruccioli (Rome) and Giuliana Schiavi (Vicenza). Further information can be found on the ESLT website.
On confirmation of acceptance, a registration fee of €250 (incl. VAT) will be payable to ESLT to cover all tuition. Participants are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
The Summer School aims to bring together literary translators (at any stage in their career) who are keen to develop their teaching skills and find out about innovations in the field. Applications from outside Europe are welcome. Participants must be aged 18 or over.
Application Procedure
Applicants should submit the following two documents (in English):
A letter of motivation, including an indication of the role and strategic impact of participation in the ESLT Summer School in your career planning;
A full CV, including contact details and a record of translation practice.
Applications should be submitted by e-mail by 15 April 2019 to Successful participants will be notified by the end of April 2019.
About the Venue
We begin with a reception at the Casa delle Traduzioni in central Rome on Tuesday evening, September 10th. The rest of the event takes place at Link Campus University, a private university founded in 1999 and situated in a historic campus to the west of the Vatican. For further details, see:
About ESLT
Founded in 2017, the European School of Literary Translation is organised by four partners: British Centre for Literary Translation, Centre of Expertise for Literary Translation (Flanders / Netherlands), University of Rome Link Campus and Fondazione San Pellegrino, Italy. ESLT implements the PETRA- E Framework for the Education and Training of Literary Translators (
Participants’ Feedback from Previous Years
“I enjoyed immensely the opportunity to interact closely with all participants in both formal and less formal settings.”
“I’ve benefited a lot from the experiences of my colleagues as well as the lecturers and mentors, and I’ve also found answers and solutions to many of the issues I had with teaching literary translation.”
“A brilliant integration of theory and practice”;
“thought-provoking, insightful”.
“I left with a lot of new ideas, coming from my colleagues and from myself as well after their inspiration”.